Our speaker on the 21st is Graeme Sackrison, Board Chairman of the Thurston Climate Action Team. T-CAT is a non-profit that focuses its efforts toward energy efficiency and transportation projects that help combat climate change. Join us for this Power Lunch and learn how things evolved with Thurston Energy, where they found success, what they are still trying to accomplish, and some lessons they’ve learned. The Kitsap, Bremerton and Bainbridge communities also have active energy efficiency efforts…and we’ll have a conversation comparing their experiences with ours. RSVP through Eventbrite with this link;https://powerlunchkitsapmay21.eventbrite.com

This is the third in our monthly Power Lunch Kitsap Series, presented by Power Trip Energy and Rice Fergus Miller Architecture and Planning.

The event is 12:15 – 1:15 pm, Thursday May 21, at RFM’s office at 275 Fifth Streee, Suite 100, Bremerton, WA 98337.  These are brown bag events, feel free to bring your own lunch.
