Residence, 5 KW, Port Hadlock, 2007

5 KW grid tied system with 28 Evergreen 180 watt modules and a SMA 6000 watt inverter,
5 KW grid tied system with 28 Evergreen 180 watt modules and a SMA 6000 watt inverter,
The Neal’s liked their 2.16 KW ground mounted PV array so much they decided to buy a second one. The second array (on the right) consists of 12 Evergreen 190 watt modules and a PV powered 2500 watt inverter. The total system size is 4.43 KW.
2.87 KW fixed-pole mounted array consisting of 14 Evergreen 205 watt modules and a 3000 watt PV Powered inverter.
6.97 KW array consisting of Evergreen 205 watt modules and a SMA 7000 watt inverter.
7.38 KW array consisting of 36 Evergreen 205 watt modules and a SMA 7000 watt inverter.
34 KW of Evergreen 205 watt modules on 11 Sunnyboy 3000 inverters, each providing power to one of the 11 houses at this uniques housing site. The Lopez Community Land Trust is one of the most innovative and well-run organizations we have ever worked with and their projects are inspirational to us and hopefully lots of responsible developers. This project is providing a path to sustainable net zero-energy affordable housing. Please check them out at .
3.08 KW array consisting of 15 Evergreen 205 watt modules and a SMA 3000 watt grid tied inverter.
Len and Wanda added 4.51 KW of Evergreen 205 watt modules to their existing 4.32 KW system.
Barry and Ellen always intended to fill their roof with solar panels and the addition of 16 Evergreen 190 watt modules and a second Fronius inverter completed the job. Total array size 6.05 KW.
Solar with a nice view! 4.715 KW array with 23 Evergreen 205 watt modules and a SMA 5000 watt inverter.