On Earth Day a couple of weeks ago, President Biden announced funding results in regards to $7 billion in grants nationwide through the EPA’s Solar For All program, a part of 2022’s Inflation Reduction Act. It makes a lot of sense to address inflation through energy policy because the more energy we can create without carbon-based fuel like coal and oil, the better off we will all be from both a pollution reduction and health standpoint, and also economically by avoiding being subject to the utility and oil industries’ capricious and self-serving pricing policies, which are inflationary.
Here in Washington, our state will receive $156 million in federal funds, which will be increased by $100 million of our own funds derived from the polution allowances that were part of our state’s Cap and Invest program in the 2023 Climate Commitment Act. These funds will go mainly to four programs run by the Dept of Commerce.
- Grants for Low Income Homeowners – the guidelines or timing of these grants has not yet been announced – we will publicize as soon as we know
- Grants for Low Income Renters and Tribe Members to participate in Community Solar Arrays at no cost
- Owners of Multi-Family Buildings will be able to get no-interest, forgiveable loans for energy efficiency improvements and electrical upgrades, if solar is a part of the program and if the benefits go to the tenants.
- Additional partnership with Tribes to help expand solar for their members on their lands
It is forecast that these programs will result in solar on about 3000 additional homes.
These programs will not be aimed at our core clientele which is middle class homeowners. These programs are for renters, low-income homeowners, tribal members, and landlords of multi-family buildings. We are excited to see these markets being served by solar incentives. These sectors have traditionally been passed over by the standard solar incentive mechanism, which has been tax credits. There is still a 30% federal tax credit which will continue to be the main incentive mechanism encouraging solar installation for most homeowners.
This information was summarized in an article carried by the Peninsula Daily News, linked below. Be sure to support your local newspaper!

Raincoast Farms, 12 KW Sunpower Array, Jefferson PUD Grid, Port Townsend, 2018