Kudos to the Jefferson PUD for listening to their constituents and pursuing some sensible renewable energy generation. By taking advantage of a soon-expiring state program incentivizing community solar, the PUD will harvest some of our local sunshine, make some of its own clean power, and make available an opportunity to invest in solar for folks who may not have their own sunny roof or the ability to install a full array for themselves. By purchasing shares in the Community Solar Array, Jefferson County rate-payers would be able to see the benefits on their own bill for their fraction of ownership of shares in the large array.
Dana Roberts, may he rest in peace, was a local clean energy activist and a PUD commissioner before our PUD became an electricity provider and when our county was still served by the Investor-Owned-Utility PSE. Dana was involved in 2008’s Proposition 1 campaign in which the public vote gave our PUD the authorization to become our own electric utility, negotiate terms with PSE, and purchase their assets. This was a truly remarkable campaign and event, and Dana’s knowledge and tenacity were invaluable resources for our community. Apart from that Dana was a lover of good stories and dark beer, with a dash of revolutionary flair.
It is appropriate that the project at the PUD substation on Kearny St in Port Townsend will be named the Dana Roberts Community Solar Array.
Our company has been privileged to install the community solar array on Washington St in Sequim for Clallam PUD, and also the small community solar array at the Jefferson Airport for the Jefferson Solar Group. With the support of the current state program, projects like this make economic sense and give access to solar to everyone.

Clallam Community Solar Array, Sequim, WA
30 KW SunPower, Sept 2019

Community Solar Array, Jefferson Intl Airport, Port Townsend, 17 KW Silicon Energy, February 2011
How will these arrays hold up in an earthquake, aren’t the chips very fragile?
They are quite sturdy Mark, they are covered in a tempered glass so they are very close to that of automobile glass.
California has earthquakes and a ton of solar!!