Waknitz Residence, 4.08 KW, Port Angeles, 2010
This Port Angeles residence sports two solar arrays. The total system consists of 24 Silicon Energy 170 watt modules and two PV Powered 2500 watt inverters. The total array size is 4.08 KW.
This Port Angeles residence sports two solar arrays. The total system consists of 24 Silicon Energy 170 watt modules and two PV Powered 2500 watt inverters. The total array size is 4.08 KW.
3.4 KW solar array consisting of 20 Silicon Energy 170 watt modules and a Fronius 4000 watt inverter. This system was reviewed and approved by the local homeowner’s association under a state law which limits homeowner association review of solar projects and prevents their arbitrary denial.
Ernest and Susan Droll pose with their 5.64 KW solar array on their farm. The system consists of 24 Sharp 235 watt modules and a SMA 6000 watt inverter.
This 3.675 KW Silicon Energy array is ground mounted because the Gunther’s roof is occupied by a 3.5 KW solar PV system they installed in 2006. Bob and Evelyn are well on their way to energy self-sufficiency. They are already in doggy heaven.
4.095 KW solar array equipped with 21 Silicon Energy 195 watt modules and a 4.2 KW Silicon Energy inverter. The solar modules and the inverter qualify as made in WA equipment.
4.1 KW Silicon Energy array on a 4.2 KW Silicon Energy inverter. You have to look hard to see the solar array on this new townhouse-style home on a smallish city lot. This example shows how solar power can be integrated seamlessly into new development.
This Port Townsend home took advantage of the Solarize Port Townsend program to install a 3.9 KW Silicon Energy (made in WA) solar array equipped with a 4.2 KW inverter. The Solarize group purchasing program resulted in significant savings for the home owners.
5.85 KW array installed on the garage and house roofs of a newly constructed home. Each solar array consists of 15 Silicon Energy 195 watt modules and powers a separate 4.2 KW Silicon Energy inverter. Solar modules and inverters are both made in WA.
2.34 KW solar array consisting of 12 Silicon Energy solar modules and a 3 KW inverter. This solar array can be expanded by adding up to 4 more solar modules. Both the inverter and the modules were made in WA State.
The new Wattsun dual-axis tracker in front of the Power Trip Energy shop is equipped with 9 Silicon Energy 195 watt modules. This array and the existing 2.34 KW array over the front porch both feed power to a Silicon Energy 4.2 KW inverter.