As part of the $900 Billion COVID Relief Bill that was passed and signed at the end of December, the item that will most immediately affect our clients this year is the extension of the 26% ITC (Investment Tax Credit.) It has been slated to decrease to 22% this year and expire next year, however we now have the 26% for this year and 2022, then 22% for 2023, then expiration.
SO – if you have been considering solar for your roof, there has never been a better time than right now!
There were other clean energy related aspects of the bill, and several policies that solar advocates have been working for that still need to be worked towards with the next administration. Green Tech Media provides a nice summary here
We are looking forward to a very positive, very sunny year, and working hard every day to install as much local clean solar for our clients as possible. Happy New Year to all.

10 Kw Ground Mount, November 2020