Energy Lunch

Economic Devt of Energy on Jefferson County Land – Upcoming Workshop and Public Energy Lunch

Economic Devt of Energy on Jefferson County Land – Upcoming Workshop and Public Energy Lunch

Tuesday January 15, 11am – 12noon, Port Townsend Community Center, 620 Lawrence St (Lawrence & Tyler St), Uptown Port Townsend

At an upcoming workshop next week, local economic development professionals will speak with Norm Olsen of the Iowa Energy Center of ISU regarding the possibilities and feasibility of local energy production.

The Workshop Chair will be Laura Lewis, County Director, WSU Extension Jefferson County.

The panelists include:

Peter Quinn, EDC Team Jefferson (Jefferson County)

Norm Olsen, Iowa Energy Center of ISU (Ames, IA)

Jim Hansen, Ravenna Capital Management (Seattle, WA)

Graeme Sackrison, Thurston Energy (Lacey, WA)

The full schedule of public and professional Energy Lunch activity at PTCC on Tuesday, January 15th is as follows:
11:00 AM: Workshop on Local Economic Development in Energy
12:00 PM: PTCC Meeting Room Available for Brown Bag Lunch and General Discussion of Local Energy Topics of Interest
12:30 PM: Key Speaker on “Farm Energy:” Norm Olson, Iowa Energy Center of ISU (includes Q&A)
1:30 PM: Continuation of General Discussion of Local Energy Topics of Interest
2:00 PM: Farm Energy Workshop
As the population of the county continues to grow, and as the Jefferson PUD becomes our electrical utility, our community will  be faced with many choices in regards to energy.  Will we be able to enact efficiency measures sufficient to prevent the need for additional energy resources?  If our energy needs grow and exceed our allotment from Bonnevile Power Administration, where will we go to get that energy?  Will we successfully utilize the abundant renewable energy that surrounds us in the form of the sun, wind and water?
As a part of our mission here at Power Trip Energy, we are proud to facilitate public education and discussion of these topics through sponsorship of these Energy Lunches.
Please participate to inform yourself and make your opinions heard!